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Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility

Are you working with transport, energy or urban planning in Nordic cities/regions or national authorities? Then we welcome you to attend our conference where you will receive answers as well as a possibility to discuss questions like:

How do we travel, and transport goods in a sustainable city?
Young people's views on mobility today?
Zero emission zones - how can they be designed?
Successful virtual meetings and efficient distance working - how to do it?
How to plan Super Cycle Highways?
The role of Nordic public actors in the deployment of charging infrastructure?
How do we make it easier to find a charging station?
Participate in presentations from the Nordic region that share good examples and lessons learned on climate-smart mobility and sustainable cities. We also give you the opportunity to influence the content of the conference.

Program 3 February
9:30 Log in and mingel with Nordic friends

10:00 Welcome and Check in

10:10 Benefits of Nordic Cooperation

Svend Søyland, Nordic Energy Research
Patrik Faming, Chairman of the Nordic Council of Ministers' working group for Sustainable cities.

10:30 Presentations based on project results

1. Charging infrastructure and zero emission vehicles
Anders Roth, Swedish Environmental Institute
Martina Wikström, Swedish Energy Agency

2. The role of urban and transport infrastructure planning
John Hultén, Nordic Road Association and K2- Swedish National Centre for research and education on public transport

3. Virtual meetings
Peter Arnfalk, Lund University
Birgitta Steingrimsdottir, Environment Agency of Iceland

11:10 BREAK

4. Mobility as a Service, MaaS
Laura Lassila, Traficom

5. Equality and Accessibility
Linda Gustafsson, Umeå municipality
Anna Wallsten, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute and Ylva Saarinen, Policy in Practice

12:15 Nordic lunch

13:00 Breakout sessions – Dive deeper and discuss projects, challenges, good examples on climate smart mobility, TBA

13:30 Panel – Pioneering Nordic cities in climate smart mobility

Einar Aassved Hansen, Trondheim Municipality
Guðmundur Haukur Sigurðarson, Vistorka Akureyri
Maria Strömberg, Business Region Göteborg
Morten Skou Nicolaisen, Aarhus Municipality
Stella Aaltonen, City of Turku

14:10 Inspirational lecture: A historic Outlook on Nordic Cooperation

Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Department of History and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University

14:30 Summary and end of Plenary Session

14:40 Break

14:50 Matchmaking – continue discussing the conference content and the way forward

15:30 End of Conference

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03 februar 2021 - kl. 09:30 - 15:30




Arrangementet er gratis


Swedish Energy Agency